We believe in protecting ourselves and the people around us. Especially if I'm taking the train or feeling stuffed up, I mask up. While it's always a little uncomfortable, we've found our masks can be extra gross feeling when we've just smoked.

So we decided to make a little spray for a fresher smell & feel!

Please Note: this spray does not IN ANY WAY disinfect or protect you. This spray is just for the feeling of freshness in your mask, without using harmful mycotoxins that can cause headaches and sensitivities.


You will need an empty clean spray bottle, vitamin e oil, distilled water, and essential oil drops

These materials can easily be switched out for alternatives and get creative. You can swap distilled water with rose water or green tea. Don't have vitamin E? Skip it!

Here's how to make your own distilled water.

combine ingredients, shake wellspray mixture onto facemask for a fresh feeling


Stay Safe & Fresh Babe!

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